Boston Personal Injury Lawyers
If you have been hurt or injured due to the negligence of another contact us right away for a free no-obligation consultation. When looking for a Boston MA personal injury lawyer know that you are in good hands with a highly experienced attorney.
Medical Malpractice Law Firm Boston Massachussetts
Medical malpractice occurs when a patient is injured because a doctor or other health care professional fails to follow generally accepted standards of care. A bad medical outcome alone is not enough to have a medical malpractice case. The doctor or other professional must have acted negligently, or must have failed to act where necessary, and the patient must have suffered a severe injury.
We work with the very best experts from major teaching hospitals and medical centers across the country to carefully review malpractice cases, advise us as we prepare your case, and provide expert testimony at trial.
While we often advise clients against litigation, when we do accept a case, we know that our client is fully justified in filing a lawsuit.
Construction Site Lawyer Boston MA
We have represented many skilled construction workers and tradesmen whose lives have been thrown into disarray and financial security destroyed by a construction site accident.
While OSHA (the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration) regulations have decreased accidents in the workplace, enforcement has been lax and fines do not compensate the injured worker.
As a basic proposition, the general contractor has overall responsibility for safety and must coordinate the activities of subcontractors and others to minimize the risk of injury to all workers at a site. Each subcontractor must also perform its work safely and not place other workers in jeopardy. Suppliers and vendors must provide the appropriate equipment and the right materials so that workers’ safety is not threatened. Work schedules and cost estimates must include time and money for safety.
Product Liability Lawyer In Boston
Product liability cases result from a manufacturer’s negligence—deficient research and development, poor design, defective manufacturing processes, and inadequate testing, inspection and quality control. Sometimes warnings are necessary to alert the operator or consumer of a hidden danger with the product’s function or use, or to remind the operator or consumer of a danger that can be overlooked. Instructions must be provided to tell the operator or consumer the safest and preferred way to use a product. The user or consumer is entitled to clearly written information that states the product’s limitations, and eliminates any inaccurate expectations.
Manufacturers, distributors and retailers can also be held responsible for breaching express and implied warranties about a product’s fitness for a particular task, and the reasonably anticipated ways in which it will be used.
We work with the most knowledgeable experts from industry and the academic world – combining expertise in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, biomedical and biomechanical engineering, metallurgy, materials science, human factors psychology, epidemiology, and various other specialties – to carefully evaluate product liability cases, advise us as we prepare your case, and provide expert testimony at trial.
A personal injury case can hinge on a single piece of evidence, one key witness, or a seemingly minor detail that is easily overlooked.